My AS ALevel coursework was based on the culture and tradition of the Parsi Zoroastrian community that I am a part of. I used traditional items in the daily life of the Parsi community in my artwork. The pots and pans signify our loving nature as well as our love for food. The Ses, a ritual of blessing, consists of carved metal items. The holy Fire temples often have representations of the history of the community as carvings in stone. I have added these to represent the historic past of my community.
The carving on these items stayed with me and a few years later I made a linoleum print of it. l enjoyed experimenting with different mediums in my artwork.
The carving on these items stayed with me and a few years later I made a linoleum print of it. l enjoyed experimenting with different mediums in my artwork.
When I began my graduation year, I referred back to the works I'd created during my A Levels. I continued to work on the topic of my culture, and am in the process of graduating with an installation that you can see here!

'Reet- Rivaj' Mixed media